Gases and Technologies for Heat Treating Applications
Improve Your Annealing Atmosphere

Increase Metal Ductility
Annealing is a process that softens the metal, causing changes in its strength and hardness. The process is done by heating and maintaining a suitable temperature, followed by controlled cooling. If done correctly, the ductility of the metal will increase, eliminating internal stresses and allowing for an increase in the workability of the material.
The correct atmosphere is key to a successful and reproducible annealing. The high temperature of annealing may cause oxidation on the metal’s surface, resulting in scale. Scale is a dark, flaky material that forms if the atmosphere is not controlled. The amount of scale that forms also depends on the type of steel you are working with. To reduce or avoid scale formation, you should evaluate your options and decide if treating your parts in a controlled-atmosphere furnace is right for you. Whether you anneal ferrous or non-ferrous metals, we can provide you with the gases and atmosphere control systems needed, such as carbon monoxide mixtures, hydrogen, and nitrogen-based systems. The system gives you control over the carbon levels found in your furnaces and enhances your heat treatment cycles, helping to improve the quality of your results.

Bright and Carbon-neutral Processing
The CARBOFLEX® Nitrogen-Endogas Atmosphere System is designed to provide a nitrogen-based atmosphere system with an endogas generator during the annealing process in continuous furnaces. Nitrogen based atmosphere systems and atmosphere generators can be regarded as separate alternatives, each with advantages and disadvantages. Linde has developed a flexible system that can mix your input gas —nitrogen, endothermic gas or an enrichment gas— and can be installed in combination with either an external or in-situ endothermic gas generator. With such a combination, it is possible to create the right furnace atmosphere specifically for the metals being treated.
Combined with the CARBOFLEX Atmosphere Control System, you also have full control over the carbon potential in up to four zones per furnace, optimizing your heat treatment cycle. The functions of this system also provide an indispensable tool in quality assurance work and safety. A data archive is created, allowing you to analyze for continuous process monitoring and compliance with the relevant safety and quality standards.