Refined BioFuel or Refinery Fuel Gas Stream
Refinery Gas Processing and Biofuel Refining

Refinery Gas Processor Technology
One result of this effort is our Refinery Gas Processor (RGP), a proprietary technology that can alleviate refinery fuel gas constraints, allowing you to convert almost any refinery fuel gas stream into an acceptable Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) feed. An alternative application of RGP can also remove organic sulfur from refinery gas, allowing you to meet sulfur dioxide emissions requirements at a significantly lower cost than other hydro-treating options. This makes RGP a unique technology for refiners with the ability to address two separate and major operating issues.

Choosing RGP for Your Process
To be effective at low pressures, conventional hydro-treating requires high residence time, resulting in bigger, more expensive equipment and potentially higher capital costs. Linde's RGP can cost-effectively convert organic sulfur and carbon sulfide to hydrogen sulfide at typical off-gas pressures with a significantly lower capital cost than other hydro-treating options. The low residence time reaction system and simple, flexible configuration options make RGP a low-capital, extremely flexible tool for fuel gas optimization. The system requires no downtime to install and unlike conventional hydro-treaters, is delivered in two to three modules on skids.

Replacing Fossil Fuels with BioFuel
Biofuels can be used as replacement for fossil fuels providing a lower carbon transportation fuel option. Biofuel systems use lignin found in biomass for the production of hydrogen. The system decomposes lignin to produce high value-added compounds in addition to the hydrogen recovered.
Technical Papers Download
Technologies for Enhancing Refinery Gas Value
Organic Sulfur Removal from Refinery Gas Fuel
Technology of Improved Refiner Gas Utilization