Gases, Technology & Equipment for Your Metal Production
Strengthening Your Metal Production Process
Improved Productivity & Decarbonization of Your ProcessAs the preeminent outsourced gas supplier to the metal production industry, we at Linde are proud to supply hundreds of steel and non-ferrous mills worldwide with industrial gases that help skyscrapers soar, trains run, and ships sail. Linde’s industrial gases are used extensively in metal production to lower cost, improve energy efficiency, deliver environmental benefits, and improve productivity.

Related Gases
Linde offers various capacity requirements of gases, from cylinders to on-site systems, for combustion processes in integrated mills, mini mills, steel mills, foundries, and non-ferrous mills.
Find the right gas for your application
Iron & Steel
Explore how Linde's gases and applications can help you reach your decarbonization goals and improve productivity and efficiency in steelmaking. We support applications for iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel.
Explore applications for steel production
Non-ferrous Metals
We offer gases and technologies for non-ferrous metals
production. Linde can help increase efficiency for aluminum, aluminum alloys,
copper, and more, from primary production to finishing operations.
Learn more about non-ferrous metals
Equipment & Technolgies for Metal Production
We offer a wide range of products and services that include burners and systems for metal production enhancement. We can assist in the design, build, start-up and support of applications equipment.
Discover more about our product offerings
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