Rapid Heat Removal
Cryogenic Freezing for Poultry

CRYOLINE® CVT cryovantage tunnel freezer
Cost Effective and Easy to Clean
The versatile CRYOLINE® CVT cryovantage tunnel freezer is engineered to meet lower capital outlay. These workhorse freezers are capable of freezing and chilling a wide variety of products and are an integral part of your continuous processing operation. This straight tunnel freezer incorporates many proven technologies that ensure quick, thorough freezing and maintains the quality attributes of your products. This basic cryogenic tunnel freezer incorporates many sanitation improvements that make it faster and easier to clean and meets the USDA sanitation standards. More information on the Cryovantage Tunnel

CRYOLINE® UPF ultra performance flighted freezer
Select the Best for IQF
In order to produce the highest quality IQF product, the Linde system exposes the product to cryogen at the freezer entrance ensuring a quick crust freezing. Short individual belt flights gently tumble foods for reduced fines and deliver even, quick freezing on all surfaces. Yield is also maximized through direct cryogen injection at key points throughout the freezer tunnel. Additionally, a wider belt width results in shorter tunnel lengths, allowing processors to maximize throughput while conserving valuable floor space. Find out more about production of individually quick-frozen foods

CRYOLINE® UPS ultra performance PLUS spiral freezer
More Cold in Less Space
Your floor space is one of your most valuable assets and you need to make equipment purchase decisions with careful consideration to size and performance. Linde can give you the best of both worlds. Our CRYOLINE® UPS ultra performance PLUS spiral freezer delivers more cold per square foot in a compact footprint to minimize its impact on the manufacturing floor. And the spiral design offers advanced cryogenic delivery ideal for any freezing and chilling application. Additional features of the spiral freezer
Product Literature Download
CRYOLINE CVT cryovantage tunnel freezer
CRYOLINE UPF flighted freezer
CRYOLINE UPS spiral freezer
Spiral PLUS Technology-comparison to previous versions
More Freezing Options
New Innovations for Cryogenic Freezing & Chilling
Linde Food Lab for Product Testing & Analysis
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Linde gases are used for freezing, chilling and cooling food products, pressurizing & carbonating beverages, boosting greenhouse growing yields and more. Related gases
Linde is always expanding gas applications and developing improved equipment systems to keep in step with our customer's growth. We're guided by our core competencies. Innovations and Competencies