Monitor Freezer Performance Remotely
The CRYOCONNECT® RM remote monitoring system provides the ability to view real time freezer operation and analyze operational data wherever there is online web access.
Online Monitoring Provides Real-Time and Historical Data
Operations managers now have online access to freezer data wherever and whenever is most convenient, so freezer operations can be analyzed to maintain optimal performance. The Linde CRYOCONNECT® RM remote monitoring system uses operational sensors to collect data, then connects the sensor information with line managers, system operators, and, when needed, Linde technicians. The operator interface provides a system overview, letting users see quickly whether the freezer is functioning properly. Not only does the system offer secure remote data access to current operations, but the interface allows customizable graphic reporting and mobile alerts, along with access to historical data. This gives users information to increase the uptime of processing by adjusting and troubleshooting an operation in minutes.
Remote Assistance and More
The CRYOCONNECT® RM remote monitoring incorporates the ability for Linde’s freezer technicians to “dial into” the system at the specific request of the customer. If the system’s additional information does not provide enough details to solve a technical issue, your operation management team can communicate with our service center and Linde can look at your data to provide further insight. Additionally, an automated monthly email report from the remote monitoring system with summary data is organized into an easily understood format. The automated email reduces the learning curve and lets you begin acting on data right away. As you get more familiar with the system, you can then expand your use of more customizable features.