Expanded Protein Options

Alternative Proteins

Today’s alternative protein marketers offer variety that addresses core values of reducing environmental impact as well as elevating discussions about health and challenging the norm. Linde supports the progress being made to reduce carbon footprint by supplying cryogenic nitrogen certified as being produced using 100% carbon-free energy.
alternative plant proteins
Alt protein burgers

Processing a Unique Product

Companies producing alternative meat products understand that the larger market is made up of traditional protein consumers as well as those seeking options for lowering or removing animal protein from their diet. On the quality front, many of the alternative meat products are plant-based in some way. Plants and plant proteins are more delicate than animal-based products. Both the gentle nature of the individual components and the combination of differing materials makes freezing quickly with liquid nitrogen one of the best preservation choices. Atmospheric nitrogen liquefied using carbon-free energy sources is identical in composition and function to that of standard liquid nitrogen produced using other energy sources.

Vegan patties

Freezing Elevated

By freezing quickly, the texture, the flavor, and the consistency are fixed in place. Ice crystals do not form that can destroy plant textures. Fats don’t melt and pool in the bottom of the product. Water does not migrate from one ingredient to another so surface dehydration is greatly reduced. Nitrogen, certified carbon-free by Linde, allows processors to calculate a lower carbon impact attributed to overall production. Like Linde, companies around the world are exploring ways to lower the carbon intensity of their products. Today’s alternative protein marketers offer variety that addresses core values of reducing environmental impact as well as elevating discussions about health and challenging the norm. Linde supports the progress being made to reduce carbon footprint by supplying cryogenic nitrogen certified as being produced using 100% carbon-free energy.

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